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برنامج الريفت 2018 كامل بالكراك

Autodesk Revit 2018

New features

Dynamo Player, Revit 2018 provides a utility that plays the generated scripts in the Dynamo graphical programming interface, enabling users to easily apply scripts that can enhance and extend Revit model behavior. This tool allows people to enjoy the power of Dynamo’s image scripts without having to be an expert
Revit 2018 expands the power of global parameters, helping embed design intent in a model that also applies to diameter and diameter sizes and constraints on equality
The new composite pattern connection allows you to use a Navisworks file as a overlay in Revit, making it easy to coordinate with external groups that may not work in Revit. This allows you to extend Revit and we are glad to see what you started using this function to complete

One of my favorite features, Revit 2018 now includes the ability to sort and add parameters to links and groups, helping you better understand and quantify a project
Connect design concept to Revit design environment, Revit now supports importing SAT and Rhino files. This improvement is part of Revit 2017
You can make steel connections between columns, beams and bars using any family, including those identified by the user. In addition, steel connections for the Revit add-in bring more than 100 new connections to detailed steel models. Engineers are now able to model not only steel frames in BIM but also hundreds of steel connectors and seamless components integrated with Autodesk Advance Steel to automate steel parts and For ready-made models
Additional features increase the flexibility of the steel bar with features that help the user identify the correct reinforcement for non-standard concrete blocks. You can place bricks in complex geometric concrete elements such as curved bridges or decks and arches that require building objects. And now you can consolidate concrete elements imported from SAT files or Autodesk InfraWorks software
In Revit 2018, managed boundary graphics are available in 3D view, helping you to identify complete models faster. You can use Revit to transform a concrete design into a connecting piece with fabrication, allowing engineers and concrete engineers to work closely in the BIM environment
Revit 2018 Manufacturing Modeling enhancements help you simulate ready-made components more efficiently using routing capabilities, and now support detailed modeling of road elements. Slope pipe
Improved mechanical design helps you capture the early energy requirements more effectively with outdoor air settings for user space and building types
The capabilities of the hydropower system include new analytical connections for easy repeat design. Improvements for mechanical engineers include closed loop hydronic pipeline analysis – connection of flow data and pressure down the pump – and the use of a new analytical tool that is included in background processes, Performance model editing.
Improved electrical design includes new capabilities for modifying circuit paths to obtain more accurate voltage reduction and data analysis designs
Finally, for Architects, Revit 2018 introduces a new Multistory Staircase object that enables faster, more complex staircases to be constructed for multiple story buildings. By connecting stairs to In a project, you can model a staircase and extend it to the entire building. When the level in your building changes, the stairs will automatically update
And there are many other enhancements for you to explore
Configuration requirements

CPU Type:  1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 64-bit (x64) processor
Operating System:  Windows 7 SP1 or faster
(Memory:  4 GB (8 GB or more recommended
(Display Resolution: 1360 × 768 (1600 × 1050 or higher recommended
Disk Space:  Installation 10.0 GB

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⏪ الكراك

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