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Autodesk Revit 2019

Autodesk’s Revit 2019

New in Autodesk’s Revit 2019

Autodesk has released Revit 2019, the latest version of its multidiscipline BIM (building information modelling) software, delivering on multiple user-requested features as well as new functionality to help capture design intent and better-connect building design and fabrication workflows

 Autodesk has made a transparent effort to solicit customer input via the Revit Ideas page where customers propose and vote on features that will help them work more effectively in Revit. As Autodesk continues to deliver more value to subscribers by releasing new features as they become available, Revit 2019 also includes the new features that were rolled out to subscribers in Revit 2018.1 and Revit 2018.2 

As detailed in the public Revit Road Map, Autodesk’s goal is to shape and evolve Revit to support its customers’ work across the full project lifecycle and software development is aligned across three areas

Design:  Capabilities that enable customers to efficiently create information that capture design intent.  Optimize:  Efforts to refine Revit software to help users efficiently analyze, iterate and make informed decisions using software designed for performance and scalability.  Connect:  Capabilities that empower project teams by helping them connect workflows and collaborate across the project life cycle

"Click to Download "Autodesk Revit 2019

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Part 3
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